Easy Marinade for Steak With Balsamic Vinegar

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  • How To Make Steak Marinade With Balsamic
  • Is Balsamic Vinegar A Good Marinade For Steak?
  • Can You Make Balsamic Vinegar Steak Marinade Ahead?
  • Should You Marinate Steak In The Fridge?
  • More Low Carb Keto Recipes
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  • The Best Easy Balsamic Steak Marinade Recipe

Meet your new favorite balsamic vinegar steak marinade! This 5-ingredient sirloin steak marinade is bound to become a favorite because it's SO easy and uses common pantry ingredients that you probably already have. It's truly the BEST easy balsamic steak marinade recipe out there.

This amazing, easy steak marinade works well for just about any cut of meat, but I especially love it on grilled sirloin steaks. My post for how to cook sirloin steak in the oven (coming soon!) will show you my easy cooking process – no grill required.

As much as I love grilling and spending time outdoors, I must say that my favorite way to cook steaks is a quick sear on a really hot pan, and then finishing it in the oven until it reaches the level of doneness you want. (I'm a medium or sometimes medium-rare kind of girl, but you do you!)

How To Make Steak Marinade With Balsamic

This quick steak marinade takes less than 5 minutes to make and all it takes is 5 easy ingredients!

First, you'll want to whisk all of the ingredients together in a bowl.

balsamic steak marinade in a bowl with whisk

Then, pour the marinade into a plastic bag, add the steaks, and move them around a bit so that all of the steaks are covered in some of the marinade.

steaks in a plastic bag with balsamic marinade

Refrigerate the meat for 3 to 8 hours!

TIP: The optimal marinating time is between 3 and 8 hours, but not longer. The meat can get mushy if it sits too long in the marinade.

Remove the steaks from the refrigerator about 30 minutes before you want to cook them to let them come to room temperature a bit. This will help them cook evenly.

sirloin steak in bowl with marinade

TIP: Store the bag in a glass bowl or container and if you're around, flip and rotate the bags of steak every so often. This isn't required, but will help ensure that the top sirloin steak marinade is coating all of the meat well.

After marinating the steaks, cook them using your favorite method – typically either on the grill or in the oven. Here is how to cook steak in the oven.

Is Balsamic Vinegar A Good Marinade For Steak?

Yes. Balsamic vinegar is a good marinade for steaks for two reasons. It helps:

  • Tenderize: The acid in this great steak marinade help to break down some of the protein and fat in the beef, which makes it more tender.
  • Flavor: The balsamic vinegar also adds a subtle sweet flavor, without adding any sugars or sweeteners. While the dark vinegar stands up to flavorful red meat, you could also swap it for white wine vinegar and try this marinade on chicken or fish.

Can You Make Balsamic Vinegar Steak Marinade Ahead?

Yes, you can make balsamic vinegar steak marinade ahead.

The only thing you want to be careful of is actual marinating time. Three to eight hours is recommended as it is enough time to tenderize the meat and give it flavor, but not too long as to make the meat mushy.

So you can make the marinade ahead, but don't add the meat to it until the day you are cooking the meat.

The marinade will last 4-5 days. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. If the oil solidifies, simply take it out and let it come to room temperature before using or run the container under warm water.

Should You Marinate Steak In The Fridge?

Yes, you should marinate steak in the fridge if you will be marinating it longer than 30 minutes. While we want to remove the steak from the refrigerator prior to cooking, we don't want it sitting out at room temperature for extended periods of time.

Sliced top sirloin steak recipe on a plate with broccoli.

More Low Carb Keto Recipes

If you like this sirloin steak marinade recipe, you might also like these:

  • Steak Bites Appetizer
  • Perfect Filet Mignon
  • Creamy Balsamic Dressing
  • Keto Low Carb Sauces, Dips, & Condiments
  • 10-Piece Glass Bowl Set – These nesting bowls get used daily in my house. Use a smaller one to whisk together the keto steak marinade and a larger one to store the bag of marinating beef in the refrigerator.
  • Cast Iron Skillet – I love to use the sear and oven method for steaks. This is the best pan to go from stove to oven and perfect for steaks.
  • Digital Thermometer – So helpful to ensure you are cooking meat to the proper and desired temperature. I love this one because you can set the temperature that you want the meat to reach and it will go off when it's hit that temp. No more overcooked meat!

Tap underlined ingredients to see where to get them. Please turn Safari reader mode OFF to view ingredients.

Steaks to use with steak marinade:

Tap on the times in the instructions below to start a kitchen timer while you cook.

  1. Whisk together all marinade ingredients in a small bowl.

  2. Pour the marinade into a gallon zip lock freezer bag. Add the steaks, seal the bag, and move them around to coat well.

  3. Marinate for at least 3 hours and no more than 8 hours. (More may result in mushy meat.)

  4. Cook sirloin steaks as desired on the grill, or cook steaks in the oven like this.

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Serving size: 1 steak (8 oz)

Nutrition Facts

Amount per serving. Serving size in recipe notes above.

Calories 450

Fat 24g

Protein 49g

Total Carbs 5g

Net Carbs 5g

Fiber 0g

Sugar 1g

Nutrition facts are provided as a courtesy. Have questions about calculations or why you got a different result? Please see our nutrition policy.

© Copyright Maya Krampf for Wholesome Yum. Please DO NOT SCREENSHOT OR COPY/PASTE recipes to social media or websites. We'd LOVE for you to share a link with photo instead. 🙂

Balsamic Steak Marinade - Pinterest image


Source: https://www.wholesomeyum.com/easy-balsamic-steak-marinade-recipe/

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